Therapy for Adults

You’re smart, capable, and aware. Maybe you’ve even read a self-help book or two. But despite your best efforts, something in your life still isn’t working and you’re tired of feeling this way.

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Therapy for Adults

Get the Support You Need

Our therapists are trained to listen —  really listen – to all that you say and all that you don’t say. We will help you make sense of the unique feelings, thoughts, beliefs, relationships, and events of your life that have brought you here. Therapy can provide some long-awaited relief from the suffering you’re experiencing now and maybe some unexpected transformations along the way.

We work with individual adults who:

  • Are functioning through day-to-day life but feel an underlying sense of sadness, emptiness or overwhelm
  • Suffer from imposter syndrome and while are outwardly successful or functioning, are tired of worrying they will soon be ‘found out’
  • Have experienced trauma in their lives and are experiencing its negative impacts on their current well-being and relationships
  • Are experiencing or have experienced trauma related to health challenges
  • Struggle with depression, anxiety, guilt, shame or loss
  • Are creative and experiencing blocks in creativity or uncertainty about next career steps
  • Want parenting support and to stop feeling so bad and guilty about their parenting
  • Are questioning what it means to be a man, woman, adult, friend, partner
  • Can’t talk about sex and sexuality openly or without consequences in other areas of their lives and have some thoughts, concerns, questions that deserve some exploration in a safe environment
  • Are frustrated and dissatisfied in their relationships
  • Have been told by friends or family that they should probably see a therapist and are curious to explore what it’s all about

Ready to schedule your first appointment?