“Want change but feel stuck? Think, feel and do things you wish you didn’t? I aim to provide a confidential, safe relationship to discuss the sacred, the profane, and everything in between – to untangle what is getting in your way of living a more fulfilling life.”
A Note From Jennifer:
Suffering may be an inevitable part of life, but I don’t believe we’re meant to suffer alone. If you’re stuck in predictable but unsatisfying patterns; overwhelmed by current life stressors; haunted by past traumas; troubled by your own mind and body; or seeking clarity and a more meaningful, satisfying life — I am here to help.
I’ve been told I’m “irreverently helpful.” I believe we can do deep, meaningful, and challenging therapeutic work together while also sharing some laughs (when appropriate, of course). My therapeutic approach reflects my nature: a blend of type-A intensity and deep empathy. If I were a D&D character, I would be chaotic good.
I work with all kinds of people who struggle with all kinds of problems: individual adults, teens (mature-ish ones), and couples. I specialize and have advanced training in the treatment of trauma and all of its residual symptoms (EMDR), as well as in couples therapy (PACT and The Developmental Model).
I hold a bachelor’s in English and a master’s degree in education from UCLA. I also hold a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Seminary’s Graduate School of Psychology. I am currently a Clinical Associate in psychoanalytic training at the New Center for Psychoanalysis and a member of the American Psychoanalytic Association.
I have a deep respect for the human mind and for your unique experience. I’m comfortable with the complicated. Please reach out if you’d like to talk.